Good Governance
Since 2017, IPACS has established and developed three Task Forces dedicated to three risk areas for corruption in sport, namely:
- Task Force 1: Reducing the risk of corruption in procurement relating to sporting events and infrastructure;
- Task Force 2: Ensuring integrity in the selection of major sport events; and
- Task Force 3: Optimising the processes of compliance with good governance principles to mitigate the risk of corruption.
Until 2023, the IPACS three Task Forces successfully implemented the tasks set out in their respective Terms of References.
As a follow-up step, this new IPACS Task Force has been established to consolidate Task Forces 1, 2 and 3 under one global Task Force with title “Good Governance Task Force”. Its objective is to ensure that the IPACS tools developed by former Task Forces 1, 2 and 3 will be effectively disseminated among the IPACS partners and stakeholders at national, regional and international levels, in order to enhance good governance of sports organisations as a key corruption mitigation measure.
The initial tasks of the Good Governance Task Force are the following:
- Actively raise awareness, disseminate and promote the prevention tools within the IPACS stakeholders’ networks in order to help them use the tools through dedicated programmes;
- Effectively communicate the IPACS work in the area of prevention and good governance and increase the IPACS visibility both within governments and the sport movement in link with the fight against corruption in sport.