Value of IPACS highlighted at UN Conference against Corruption

The work of the Olympic Movement in the area of sports integrity and the fight against corruption were presented by International Olympic Committee (IOC) Member Anita De Frantz at the 10th Session of the Conference of the States Parties to the United Nations Convention against Corruption (UNCAC). The event is taking place from 11 to 15 December in Atlanta, USA. Over 1,500 officials and representatives, including from the 190 Parties to the Convention, intergovernmental organisations, academia and civil society, are attending this important gathering, marking the 20th anniversary of the UNCAC around International Anti-Corruption Day. The Conference is organised by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), and is aimed at enhancing cooperation among States in achieving the Convention’s objectives.

“Integrity is key for the credibility of sport, for the competitions as well as for the sports organisations themselves,” De Frantz said, addressing the participants of the “Safeguard sport from corruption” special event, which took place on 11 December. She highlighted the vital role of IPACS, and what sports organisations can do to tackle corruption in their environment, and the responsibility of governments regarding corruption:

“The aim of IPACS is to facilitate the dialogue between all the key stakeholders, governments, sports organisations and intergovernmental organisations, in order to propose pragmatic and practical solutions, such as tools focused on key risk areas, to mitigate corruption in sport. For this, the support of the governments is key, and we are grateful to those that have been providing their valuable support and cooperation through IPACS.”

The special event addressed governments and sports organisations, with the aim of raising awareness around the different types of corruption risks to sport; sharing good practices on how to mitigate such risks; and discussing future initiatives.

Focus on Olympic Games Los Angeles 2028

With both the Olympic Games Los Angeles 2028 and the FIFA Football World Cup 2026 to be held in the USA, integrity in major sports events was also discussed in another side event on 12 December. This included participants from the IOC, FIFA and the US authorities, as well as government representatives from Canada and Mexico, and National Olympic Committees (NOCs). During the discussions, IPACS was again recognised by various participants, and hailed as a catalyst for collaboration on anti-corruption efforts at major sports events, providing practical tools and guidance for the stakeholders.