The fourth Steering Committee meeting of the International Partnership Against Corruption in Sport (IPACS) was organised on 5 December 2018 by the UK Government in London.

The meeting began with the recap of the main objectives of IPACS and continued with a presentation on the progress accomplished within the three Task Forces of IPACS since the last Steering Committee meeting in June 2018.

All the participants to the Steering Committee meeting agreed to:

  1. Reiterate their efforts to uphold and implement, to the highest degree possible, internationally recognised standards of integrity and anti-corruption in sport through engagement and collaboration with IPACS
  2. Support IPACS as a key international multi-stakeholder platform to develop studies, capacity, benchmarks, training materials, guides and tools for governments and sports organisations, and to enable constructive dialogue, cooperation and knowledge sharing on best practice - from sport and other sectors - to further strengthen measures against corruption in sport;
  3. Further develop the work and initial recommendations emerging from IPACS’s assessment of corruption risks specifically faced by sport in the areas of procurement relating to sporting events and infrastructure; conflict of interest in voting processes for major event selections; and compliance with good governance principles
  4. Pursue and facilitate new areas of cooperation, for instance between law enforcement and sports organisations in detecting and investigating corruption cases in sport
  5. Continue the support for IPACS and, to the extent possible, strengthen it by contributing to, promoting and implementing its work and guidelines, in particular that of its technical Taskforces
  6. Commit to being relevant to the diversity of stakeholders across the varied contexts in which corruption in sport is an issue
  7. Recommend that anti-corruption events and activities, drawing on IPACS resources and outputs, be organised, coordinated and facilitated wherever possible
  8. Recognise the potential for IPACS to promote and protect sports’ fundamental values as a multi-stakeholder initiative aimed at fighting corruption in sport; and recognise the interlinks of corruption in sport with broader integrity issues and promote coherence between IPACS and other governance and integrity efforts

The next meeting of IPACS will take place by mid-2019, with the aim of discussing potential new focus areas for the Partnership and reporting on progress achieved since the 2018 High Level event.

For further information, please go to:

Click here for the list of participants.