The IPACS Steering Committee met on 5 May at the Council of Europe premises in Paris to discuss the global vision of IPACS for the years to come, the related strategic approach and key actions. During the discussion, which was led by the IOC as IPACS Chair, the Steering Committee agreed to:

  • move forward with developing the IPACS strategy and have a dedicated working group review the draft document presented at the meeting;
  • consolidate and further strengthen the prevention work stream;
  • develop the information-sharing mechanisms through the UNODC networks;
  • empower the IPACS partners to work with key stakeholders at national level and more strongly involve anti-corruption agencies; and
  • customise and better distribute IPACS’ educational and informative anti-corruption tools, e.g. also for athletes.

After a thorough and constructive discussion, the Steering Committee decided to merge the three IPACS Task Forces addressing the prevention of corruption risks in procurement (1) and in the selection of major sport events (2) plus good governance principles (3) into one. The result will be to bring together all the vast expertise of the IPACS partners in these three important yet related fields, facilitate synergies and further increase IPACS’ efficiency and pragmatism. The new combined Task Force , responsible for enhancing effective cooperation between law enforcement, criminal justice authorities and sports organisations, will continue its mission and work on creating a mechanism for better operational cooperation between these actors on concrete corruption cases in sport.  Currently, this Task Force is also working on the second part of the Legislative Guide on Good Practices in Tackling Bribery in Sport, entitled Good practices and recommendations on the application of national anti-bribery legislation to cases of corruption in sport.

In another session, Izadora Zubek, International Affairs Officer at the Agence Française Anticorruption (AFA), presented France’s national approach in promoting integrity and fighting corruption in sport. The aim was to reassess together how the partnership’s actions can best benefit and support the stakeholders at national level. Zubek explained the customised support the AFA has developed for national federations and the sports ministry, such as guides, and commended IPACS as a key platform for governments to leverage for knowledge exchange, gaining a broad perspective of the issues of corruption in sport and enhancing international cooperation.

Finally, the Steering Committee set the date and venue for the next IPACS Annual General Conference, which will take place on 12 September 2023 at the UNODC headquarters in Vienna. The next Steering Committee meeting will be organised the previous day at the same location.