A week before International Anti-Corruption Day, celebrated worldwide on 9 December, IPACS’ efforts were officially praised by the United Nations (UN) General Assembly in its Resolution “Sport as an enabler of sustainable development” (A/77/L.28). For the first time the General Assembly notes “the efforts of the International Partnership against Corruption in Sport established in 2017” when it comes to fighting risks of corruption at major sport events.

Raising awareness about IPACS’ mission, stakeholders and activities remains important and an ongoing effort of the partnership. On the occasion of International Anti-Corruption Day,  IPACS today launched a video clip, which explains its raison d’être in an entertaining format. The two-minute clip will be made available to all IPACS partners as a useful tool for presentations and other communication opportunities.


The nature of IPACS perfectly reflects this year’s theme of “UNCAC at 20: Uniting the World Against Corruption” proclaimed by the United Nations (UN), as it brings together international sports organisations, governments, inter-governmental organisations and other stakeholders to eliminate corruption and promote a culture of good governance in sport. The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), the UN’s leading agency in this field, is one of IPACS’ founding partners.

Click to watch highlights of the IPACS annual meeting held last month.

The United Nations Convention against Corruption (UNCAC) celebrating its 20th anniversary in 2023, is the only legally binding universal anti-corruption instrument. Amongst others, the Convention calls on countries to promote actively the involvement of non-governmental and community-based organisations, as well as other elements of civil society, and to raise public awareness of corruption and what can be done about it. Learn more here.