Last week, the Council of Europe’s Committee of Ministers adopted a declaration on sports integrity which explicitly mentions the contribution of IPACS in this important field.

In the declaration, the Council “welcomes the work of the International Partnership Against Corruption in Sport (IPACS) and calls upon it to pursue its transversal and multi-stakeholder approach and enhance the implementation of the highest applicable standards aimed at combating corruption and promote a culture of good governance in sport”.

More generally, the declaration addresses the constantly evolving threats to sports integrity which undermine the potential of sport and its role as a social, educational, cultural and economic instrument. 

It invites member states and sports organisations to “promote transparency, accountability, democracy and ethical behaviour in sport, including the establishment of robust governance systems, conflict-of-interest policies, whistle-blower protection mechanisms, effective investigation and prosecution of corruption, manipulation of competitions, violence and other infringements of human rights and the rule of law in the sport context”.

Since its creation in 2017, IPACS has offered a unique and open platform for sports organisations and governments to develop pragmatic solutions to advance the fight against corruption in sport, while harnessing the expertise and experience of all actors. The Council of Europe has been a member of IPACS since it was launched in 2017, along with other intergovernmental organisations.

Interest in the Partnership has grown significantly since its creation, with its role and programmes discussed at numerous international events. For the first time, the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) directly referred to IPACS in UNGA Resolution “Sport as an enabler of sustainable development” (A/77/L.28), adopted in December 2022.